What Do Seventh-day Adventists Eat?

What do Seventh Day Adventists eat?

Human health has been and will continue to be a topic of concern as well as one of controversy. There’s some buzz that an Adventist community in Loma Linda California forms the core of North America’s  blue zone region. (aka: they live longer) Therefore, naturally one of the most frequently asked questions is, “What do […]

Meat Laws – Clean & Unclean Meat

Seventh-day Adventist Meat Laws - Clean & Unclean meat

While there are too many dietary variants to count today, and just as many approaches to meat and animals foods, the Scriptures provide accurate insights into mans optimal diet, and guidelines for the consumption of various foods to best promote health. Below we discuss the various Meat Laws found in the Bible. Leviticus 11 and Deuteronomy 14  […]

The Seventh Day Adventist Diet & Food Beliefs

Many experts have said that the Seventh Day Adventist food beliefs and diet approach are one of the healthiest diet options available. Those who follow this faith aim to follow an overall healthy lifestyle, which includes a good diet, exercise, pure water, adequate sunlight, temperance, fresh air, rest, and spirituality. A good diet according to Seventh-Day Adventists involves eating […]

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